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80% of Success is Showing Up

Have you ever wanted something better for yourself?

  • Are you toying with an idea that is reachable?

  • Are you daydreaming about ideas to enhance your life?

If you have answered "yes", you are on the correct track.

However, how do you create your next reality?

  1. Simple, if you can dream it, you can do it. It is called a "vision", but before you forget about your ideas, you need to write them into your day planner or create a vision board. Put all your ideas down that you want to do to create your perfect life, body, capture screen shots of homes, family, holiday, life goals exactly as you picture your life to be. Write it down, make a vision board.

  2. Circle the ideas that you can action in the next month to 3 months by taking 1 or 3 steps daily into your normal routine.

  3. Commit to the steps that you are planning to take in your day planner.

To the degree that you commit, is to the degree that you will succeed.

Looking back at how my year started off, I put together a vision board.

On my board I have a 5 bedroom house, I have two new businesses, as my online body transformation coaching business will never be able to pay for my dream house.

So that is a problem.

The difference between making a vision your reality is by taking action.

1. Reality in the beginning of this year was that I only have 1 main income, and that is my online coaching. My partner was working a corporate job, and got laid off, therefore the change of me even creating a better life was ridiculous, to some.

Together we decided to go on a spa day, and start our vision boarding process together. We found a business opportunity in Logistics, it is reachable as he sold tyres to trucks, and was the key account manager and kept good relationships over the years.

I saw a job opportunity on Facebook by someone I met in my gym, when I was a gym owner in Sandton, he knew of my work ethic, and contracted us into the Solar Business, which is perfect as we are sitting in stage 6 loadshedding today and our economy needs it.

We had a tough couple of months as we need to do new things daily, and sometimes we don't have the answers, but we learn daily and that is how we grow.

2. Reality now is that my partner signed a new work position yesterday to take us one step closer to our life on our vision board, and that I have a big meeting scheduled this week for Solar Installations as I have jumped to take part in this opportunity.

3. Our new life looks different as we have taken our steps outside of our day to day to make it happen. As I have stated in the previous motivational emailer, "Win in silence, let them think you are losing", especially when you are taking big steps, because again, not everyone will clap for you being integrity to your word.

I am so confident about my winnings, I have already shot and attached my corporate picture for the Solar, and my life coaching business.

This week I challenge you to dream, make notes, put it down, action creating your best life.

  1. 1. Should you need help with your vision, and a blue print putting your new life into action, let me coach you. Sessions via Zoom, book me on for more info

  2. Should you wish to convert to solar, we do solar large scale, residential and businesses, and work with Tier 1 products and qualified teams for installations. Contact me on

  3. Should you wish to create your best body, and join my current clients, Please click to view my website and my blogs.

Believe in yourself, to the degree that you are integrity to your word, is to the degree that you will succeed.

Tanya de Lange,

Your Online Body Transformation and Life Coach

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