12 weeks body transformation only - on an Application from your Smartphone
Monthly Review / Review every 4th week - Online Home or Online Gym Training plans,
Eating plans INCLUSIVE, review every 4th Week
R 4 000 up Front - Facebook Support Group - (4th Weekly Review)
Custom made eating and training for your lifestyle needs.
You can be based anywhere in the world to receive online coaching.
Free Bootcamp Saturday and Sunday - Johannesburg Based
12 Week Online body Transformation
Online Coaching:
1. Unless otherwise stipulated before hand and categorically agreed by both Trainer and Client, Invoicing is started upon immediate commencement of training, and thereafter every month upfront for the following month. These terms will be written on a formal invoice made out to client or method of communication via Trainer and Client.
Payment is expected NO LATER than the 1st business day of each month. I.e. If you start on the 16th of the month you will be invoiced immediately, and thereafter on the 25th of that same month again, upfront, for the following month. Each and every trainer budgets their time accordingly and takes a limited amount of client acquisitions each and every month to ensure strict client delivery and excellent service across the board. One pays to reserve a slot with your coach and the time allocated to them thereafter upon edification of their training plans, diets and supplement changes. If you start on the last day of the month, or the first, it still takes the trainer the same amount of invested time to load your profile, populate this with your tailored diet, supplement prerequisites and fully customized training program.
2. If for Medical or whatever Medicly Related Reason, you wish to discontinue training with your trainer, this is no problem, we simply require one calender month's written notice. This allows us to evaluate our level of service and also allows us to market that respective slot to a new client on the waiting list, and budget accordingly as small business owners. After your trainer invests of themselves wholeheartedly into each and every client, the least one can do is to notify their trainers of their discontinuation in good faith, in writing, one month prior.
I.e. If you wished to cease training/coaching in December, you would have notified your trainer soon after/before settling November's invoice.
3. Trainer is not responsible for no open communication from client in their scheduled reviews as per package agreed on. If client miss out on a scheduled review or can not give feedback, let Trainer know a week in advance to schedule another time. If client miss out on a review, training will commence up to the next scheduled Review. Pausing plans will be up to client / trainer discression based on a reasonable / medical matter, and can be done within a weeks notice, and remainder of training days can get claimed back 6 months after notice date, or can be gifted to another person standing in for client to receive online coaching. No Refunds.
4. Trainer will use Debt Collection services upon missed payments from client, and the failure to get hold of client via Trainerize, to plan payment moving forward on Trainer’s behalf.
5. Trainer is not liable for COVID, Pandemics, Flu, Riots, Death, Holidays, Hangovers, Retrenchements, Pregnancies, or any unforseen medical or personal expenses or any other client expectations that was not discussed and agreed upon by both Client and Trainer
6. Cancelation Policy: 50% of the total outstanding balance for the period / package agreed upon client and trainer payable to Trainer as a once-off or payable in installments as agreed upon client and trainer.
7. Holding Fees are not refundable and secures your slot should you wish to get started in the next 6 months after securing your slot.
8. Client accepts terms and conditions stated on this invoice upon commencing and making first payment.